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Viscom 2016

Viscom 2016, Düsseldorf: 02.-04. November 2016


International Trade Fair for Visual Communication in Düsseldorf

International Trade Fair for Visual Communication took place on 02nd November and ended on 04th November, 2016.

The Trade Show, Fair and Exhibition was hosted at the Messe Düsseldorf.

VISCOM Düsseldorf 2016 was a place where plenty of notable goods had been presented by 400 exhibitors.

A few of these are Technology, Visual Communications, Object Design and Digital Signage. Around 13000 attendees were anticipated to participate in this Trade Show, Fair and Exhibition.

This International Trade Fair for Visual Communication is organized annually.

To read more please visit: Viscom 2016

This time comXpert had been contracted for the following work:

  • Design and production of all booth printing samples, banners and floor
  • Technical set-up and onsite printing support during the show
  • Transport of machines to end customers after the fair